Apprentice Connect Provider
Apprenticeships NT is an Apprentice Connect Provider. This means we aim connect potential apprentices and employers, and arranging connections with Group Training Organisations and Registered Training Organisations.
What Is a Registered Training Organisation?
Registered Trade Organisations (RTOs) are providers and assessors of nationally recognised training that have been registered by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA). Only RTOs can issue nationally recognised qualifications. There are approximately 5000 RTOs that currently exist within Australia.
In order to become registered, training providers must meet the Australian Quality Training Framework 2007 (AQTF 2007) standards. This ensures the quality of Vocational Education and Training (VET) services throughout Australia.
Training organisation register to provide nationally recognised training with its relevant state or territory registration authority.
When registering the RTO must state its scope of registration detailing:
- The training or assessment it intends to deliver
- The fields or industries in which it may deliver training or assessment
- The maximum level of qualifications it may issue
To ensure an RTO continues to deliver quality training or assessment, its registration must be renewed with the relevant state or territory registering authority at least every five years. The registering authority can audit the RTO at any time during its period of registration.
Benefits of Studying with an RTO
Why choose to study with an RTO?
As a student either just entering vocational education, or a mature-age student looking to expand their knowledge in their specific employment area, it is important to thoroughly learn the essential skills and knowledge relevant to the line of work that they wish to enter.
RTOs offer accredited VET qualifications. When choosing to study with an RTO in Australia, students are provided with nationally recognised training that provides them with everything that they need to succeed in their chosen industry area.
RTOs are required to uphold a certain standard that aligns with official guidelines that have been set by the ASQA. This means that all RTO Providers maintain consistent engagement with the industries that they offer courses for, to make sure that the skills and knowledge that are taught are a high quality, and continue to be pertinent to future employers and the relevant industries involved.
Registered Training Organisations can offer students the following qualification levels:
- Certificates I, II, III and IV
- Diploma
- Advanced Diploma
- Vocational Graduation Certificate
- Vocational Graduate Diploma
RTO Regulations
The ASQA is the official regulatory body for all RTOs that are found within the states Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, the Australian Capital Territory, the Northern Territory and New South Wales.
The ASQA also looks after providers that are located in the states Victoria and Western Australia, provided that:
- The RTO offers any course, both in-class or online, within ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA and TAS, or
- If the RTO chooses to offer courses to international students who have chosen to study in Australia or on student visas
RTO Regulations and Policies
To find out more information on training plans, please visit the National Training Plan Principles Policy for the NT.
To find out more information on user choice funding, please visit the User Choice Funding Policy for the NT.
For assistance in choosing an RTO, please visit the NT Apprenticeships and Traineeships Database.